Help Ukraine

Help us deliver food, medicine and humanitarian aid to orphanages and at-risk children and their families.


Located in the heart of Ukraine, Building Hope in Ukraine, Inc. is an American-Ukrainian non-profit that serves an unreached and underserved part of Ukraine.

Our local Ukrainian staff ensures there’s no language or cultural barrier to completing our mission of providing food, medicine and humanitarian aid to orphanages and at-risk children and their families.


A Call for Compassion

Building Hope in Ukraine, Inc.’s call is a compassionate outreach to the many different peoples in the heart of Ukraine. Most of these people have little or no access to a hospital, supermarket, or church.

We reach the financially disadvantaged, the widow along with current and future orphans with food, medical supplies, Bible lessons and physical and spiritual support.


Providing Humanitarian Aid

From birth to adulthood, Building Hope in Ukraine, Inc. serves the unreached and underserved orphanages, villages, cities and towns in the heart of Ukraine by providing the medical and dietary needs on which so many are dependent.